One piece that didn't make it was one of my people pots. I small crack opened up around the lady's neck. I was really disappointed because this is a double people pot (very time consuming) and it was glazed with the Saturated Metallic, which I never use on my people pots. But, they now have a happy home in my flower bed at the studio!
I know these aren't for everyone, but they are all very personal to me. It is weird how one can become emotionally attached to the work they are doing. But, I have been asked to have five pieces in a show at the Royal Bean in Raleigh for the month of October. They are doing a "Dark Art" theme and I guess some would view my work as dark art, especially my funeral urns (not sure why...).
There is a positive side to these kiln firings and that is that John and I have finally mastered our favorite glaze: Pennell Strontium Matt Glaze. I mix the glaze from the raw materials, which is kinda like baking a cake. But it is very finicky and has to be fired to an exact temperature so that we get the effects we want, but it is not running off the pots onto the shelves.
I have also made a ton of jewelry pieces and will be posting these to my website : a little at a time.
The first show is this coming Sunday, October 4th, in Chapel Hill from 1-6pm. I am just hoping for some weather like today - perfect!
And since my blog wouldn't be complete without a picture of "nature" - here is a picture from Sunday morning by the front deck. Thought it would put us in the October mood.